This is service is for used merchandise only. Please do not post ads for new merchandise. You can sell your new merchandise on* You can repost your ad to today's date to make it available for 2 more weeks.");
if ($action == "repost") {
$currentDate = date("d-M-Y");
msql("classified", "update $section set datePosted = '$currentDate' where skey = $adnumber");
$result = msql("classified","select * from $section order by datePosted DESC, skey DESC");
$num_rows = msql_numrows($result);
while ($row < $num_rows) {
$skey = msql_result($result,$row,skey);
$title = msql_result($result,$row,title);
$description = msql_result($result,$row,description);
$city = msql_result($result,$row,city);
$state = msql_result($result,$row,state);
$phone = msql_result($result,$row,phone);
$emailAddress = msql_result($result,$row,emailAddress);
$name = msql_result($result,$row,name);
$datePosted = msql_result($result,$row,datePosted);
$title = stripslashes($title);
$description = stripslashes($description);
$city = stripslashes($city);
$name = stripslashes($name);
print ("
Posted on $datePosted.